City of Cape Coral Force Main Transmission Line Project
February 14, 2024 Notice
Evening Lane Closures for Final Paving Scheduled for SE 47th Terrace and Del Prado Boulevard from February 18 through February 20
The City of Cape Coral’s contractor will continue final milling and road paving operations on SE 47th Terrace and Del Prado Boulevard in the evenings from 6 p.m. to approximately 3 a.m. Sunday, February 18 through Tuesday, February 20. Access to driveways may be interrupted for short periods of time during paving.
Please note the following lane closures during milling and paving:
- Eastbound SE 47th Terrace and 6th Avenue Intersection
- Eastbound lanes on SE 47th Terrace from SE 6th Avenue to Coronado Parkway
- Westbound SE 47th Terrace and 6th Avenue Intersection
- Westbound Se 47th Terrace between the intersections of SE 6th Avenue and SE 4th Place
- Eastbound Miramar Street between Cape Coral Street and Del Prado Boulevard
- Southbound Del Prado Boulevard, keeping northbound lanes open at the intersection of Waikiki Avenue
- Northbound Del Prado Boulevard, keeping the southbound lanes open at Waikiki Avenue
Follow signage for closures and detour routes shown on the maps below. Normal traffic patterns are expected to resume on Wednesday, February 21.
Eastbound SE 47th Terrace and 6th Avenue Intersection

Eastbound SE 47th Terrace from SE 6th Avenue to Coronado Parkway

Westbound SE 47th Terrace and 6th Avenue Intersection

Westbound SE 47th Terrace and SE 6th Avenue and SE 4th Place

Miramar Street from Cape Coral Street to Del Prado Boulevard

Southbound Del Prado Boulevard and Miramar Street Intersection

Northbound Del Prado Boulevard and Miramar Street Intersection

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
January 19, 2024 Notice
Lane Closures Scheduled for SE 15th Avenue and Cape Coral Street on Monday, January 22
The City of Cape Coral’s contractor will continue milling and road paving operations on SE 15th Avenue and Cape Coral Street on Monday, January 22, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The roadway will remain open overnight.
Please follow signage for closure and detour routes. Normal traffic patterns are expected to resume on Tuesday, January 23.
For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
December 15, 2023 Notice
Lane Closure Scheduled for Palm Tree Boulevard between SE 45th Terrace and SE 45th Street Monday, December 18 through Tuesday, December 19, 2023
The City of Cape Coral’s contractor will close a lane southbound on Palm Tree Boulevard between SE 45th Terrace and SE 45th Street for two days starting on Monday, December 18 through Tuesday, December 19 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The contractor will be installing the remaining 20” force main pipe, 20” plug valve, and the fiber optic pull box at this location. The roadway will remain open overnight.
Please see the map below for closure and detour details. Normal traffic patterns will resume on Wednesday, December 20.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
September 29, 2023 Notice
Road Closure on SE 15th Avenue between SE 47th Terrace and Cape Coral Parkway East and scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2023
The City of Cape Coral’s contractor will close SE 15th Avenue between SE 47th Terrace and Cape Coral Parkway East on Monday, October 2, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The work will extend south on SE 15th Avenue from the intersection of SE 47th Terrace and SE 15th Avenue to Cape Coral Parkway East.
Please see the map below for closure and detour details. Normal traffic patterns will resume on Tuesday, October 3rd.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
September 18, 2023 Notice
Road Closure at the Intersection of Miramar Street and Del Prado Boulevard Scheduled for September 21, 2023
The City of Cape Coral’s contractor will close a portion of Del Prado Blvd. on Thursday, Sept. 21 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The work will extend from the intersection of Miramar St. and Del Prado Blvd. to just north of the intersection of Del Prado Blvd. and Normandy Ct.
Please see the map below for closure and detour details. Normal traffic patterns will resume on Friday, September 22.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
June 21, 2023 Notice
Road Closure Extension Scheduled June 26 through June 29, 2023
The City of Cape Coral’s contractor will extend the detour on Cape Coral Street, and the road will be closed between Lafayette Street and Miramar Street from Monday, June 26 through Thursday, June 29 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The work will extend from the intersection of Cape Coral Street and Lafayette Street to Cape Coral Street and Miramar Street. The time extension is due to the delayed delivery of the concrete valve vaults, the deeper than normal excavation required and the size of pipe needing aligned.
Please see the map below for closure and detour details. Normal traffic patterns will resume on Friday, June 30.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
June 13, 2023 Notice
Road Closures Scheduled June 19 through June 22, 2023
On Monday, June 19 through Wednesday, June 21, 2023, Cape Coral Street will be closed between Lafayette Street and Miramar Street from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for construction excavation, and to allow a flatbed trailer and crane to deliver and unload structures that will be installed underground for the MPS 100 and Force Main Transmission project.
The project will continue on Thursday, June 22nd with SE 15th Avenue between Cape Coral Parkway and SE 47th Terrace closing for one day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Signage will reflect the sections of roads that will be closed, and detours will be in place. Please see the maps below for the exact locations of the road closures and detours.
Normal traffic patterns will resume on Friday, June 23.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
May 23, 2023 Notice
Road Closure on SE 47th Terrace Tuesday, May 23, 2023
On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, SE 47th Terrace will be closed from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. to allow the contractor to install a 16-inch force main tie-in at SE 47th Terrace from SE 6th Avenue to Coronado Parkway. The closure will be for one day only and signage will reflect the section of the road that will be closed and detours. Please see the map for the exact location of the work area and signage. Normal traffic patterns will resume on Wednesday, May 24.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
May 10, 2023 Notice
Road Closure on SE 47th Terrace Wednesday, May 17, 2023
On Wednesday, May 17, 2023, SE 47th Terrace, from the east end of the intersection at SE 6th Avenue and extending approximately 150 linear feet to the east will be closed from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The contractor will install the six-inch fire hydrant lead and casings for both the irrigation and water services (which cross both lanes of traffic on SE 47th Terrace). Please see the map for the exact location of the work area and signage. Normal traffic patterns will resume on May 18.

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
February 24, 2023 Notice
Phase Two Force Main Work Is Expected to Start on Palm Tree Boulevard Next Week and Will Continue Through Late Spring
As part of the ongoing Force Main Transmission project, the City’s contractor is planning to start work on Palm Tree Boulevard north of Country Club Boulevard. Detours and lane closures will be in place while the work continues.
Phase Two work will consist of trenching, installing pipes, trench filling, and asphalt replacement. Palm Tree Boulevard northbound will closed between each intersection with flaggers directing motorists onto the southbound traffic lane. This process will be much safer for both motorists and the workers. Only one work zone detour and flagging operation will be in effect at one time. Please see the map below for details.

During force main work citizens can expect:
- Noise from construction equipment and vehicles
- Road excavation and restoration
- Sidewalk removal and restoration
- Driveway entrance/exit restoration
- Installation of force main pipelines
For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
February 16, 2023 Notice
Work is expected Saturday, Feb. 18 and Monday, Feb. 20
As part of the ongoing Force Main Transmission project, the City’s contractor is planning to work on Saturday, Feb. 18 and Monday, Feb. 20.
On Saturday, Feb. 18, the City’s contractor expects drilling and pulling of force main pipes to occur along SE 15th Avenue/Cape Coral Street from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Motorists traveling along these roads can expect delays, temporary detours and possible lane closures through Tuesday, Feb. 21. The map below details the roadwork and detours.
On Monday, Feb. 18, the contractor will be placing asphalt along SE 4th Place from SE 47th Terrace to Country Club Boulevard. Travel on SE 4th Place will be open to local traffic only; all other traffic will be detoured until the asphalt work is completed. Motorists can expect delays, detours and lane closures while work is in progress. Please see the map below for details.

During force main work citizens can expect:
- Noise from construction equipment and vehicles
- Installation of force main pipelines
- Road excavation and restoration
- Sidewalk removal and restoration
- Driveway entrance/exit restoration
- Temporary drilling/boring
The City of Cape Coral offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 20 in observance of Presidents’ Day.
For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
February 6, 2023 Notice (February 8, 2023 Update)
Road Closure During the Second Week of February
As part of the ongoing Force Main Transmission project, the City’s contractor is planning a road closure on SE 4th Place during the second week of February.
The contractor will be closing SE 4th Place at SE 47th Terrace, detouring westbound traffic on SE 47th Terrace north onto Palm Tree Boulevard, east onto Country Club Boulevard, to turn south onto SE 4th Place for the residents who live on SE 4th Place. Travel on SE 4th Place will be open to local traffic only. There will be no exit from SE 4th Place onto SE 47th Terrace. Any residents exiting SE 4th Place will be directed to head north back to Country Club Boulevard to exit SE 4th Place.
Eastbound traffic on SE 47th Terrace will be detoured north onto SE 5th Avenue, west onto Country Club Boulevard then south onto SE 4th Place. There will be no exit from SE 4th Place onto SE 47th Terrace. Any residents exiting SE 4th Place will be directed to head north back to Country Club Boulevard to exit from SE 4th Place. Only residents of SE 4th Place will have access to SE 4th Place during the temporary road closure. Once work is completed, SE 4th Place will reopen to all traffic.
During force main work citizens can expect:
- Noise from construction equipment and vehicles
- Installation of force main pipelines
- Road excavation and restoration
- Sidewalk removal and restoration
- Driveway entrance/exit restoration
- Temporary drilling/boring
For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
January 30, 2023 Notice
Construction on the First Stage of Phase Four to Start in Early February and Continue for Two Weeks
Phase Four of the project is slated to begin its first stage in early February 2023. During this phase, motorists and pedestrians can expect temporary detours and occasional lane closures along SE 47th Terrace.
Phase Four will be completed in several stages with stage one consisting of drilling and boring a horizontal pathway for pipes under the surface of the street, reducing the need for surface trenching, excavation and repair of asphalt.
Drilling will begin at the entry point, which is expected to start north of Miramar Street on Cape Coral Street. Then, the drilling and boring will continue under the surface of Cape Coral Street, proceeding north under Cape Coral Parkway E, and continue along SE 15th Avenue until the end point at the south side of SE 47th Terrace. Then the remainder of Phase Four will consist of surface excavation and trenching on Miramar Street from Cape Coral Street to the intersection at Miramar Street and Del Prado Boulevard and tying into an existing force main at SE 15th Avenue and SE 47th Avenue. The excavation stage for installation of force main pipes along Miramar Street is expected to begin on the completion of the drilling and continue for several weeks.
Drilling and installing force main pipes under busy or heavily trafficked roadways reduces the need for surface excavation, trenching and restoring roadways. In Phase Four, the City’s contractor is using a drilling method called Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) which allows force main pipes to be installed by drilling horizontally, under the surface of the road through a series of different size drills, finally boring a force main-size hole that will accommodate the new force main pipes. During the drilling process, the specialized equipment removes material such as dirt and rock from the channel. The final stage consists of pulling the connected pipes through the cleared underground conduit from the entry point to the exit point.
During the first stage of Phase Four, as needed, the work will consist of:
- Drilling and boring
- Minimal roadway excavation
- Installation of underground force main pipelines

For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704,
or email us at
January 20, 2023 Notice
Expect Lane Closures and Delays Along SE 47th Terrace through the Beginning of February
Starting Monday, January 23 and continuing through early February motorists along SE 47th Terrace can expect delays and occasional lane closures during normal business hours while work continues. One lane will be open during construction and there will be flaggers allowing traffic to travel east and west along the corridor. The contractor will be finishing the work at the intersection of SE 47th Terrace and SE 6th Avenue on Monday and they will begin going west from SE 6th Avenue towards SE 4th Place.

For more information:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704, visit the project website at or email us at
Visit the City of Cape Coral’s Facebook page at