City of Cape Coral Force Main Transmission Line Project
Construction to continue through fall of 2023
As part of the Community Redevelopment Agency’s infrastructure improvements in south Cape Coral, the City has begun installing force main transmission pipelines to strengthen the current force main infrastructure.
The project is being conducted in four phases, shown below, and will continue through fall of 2023.

Project Construction Description
During each phase, as needed, the work will consist of:
- Removing existing asphalt
- Roadway excavation
- Installation of force main pipelines
- Sod and sidewalk removal and restoration
- Driveway entrance/exit restoration
- Roadway restoration
Estimated Time Frame for Phases
- Phase One: Late spring 2023 through late summer 2023
- Phase Two: January 2023 through late spring
- Phase Three: December 2022 through early spring 2023
- Phase Four: Early February through late spring 2023
During construction, residents can expect noise from excavation equipment, backup alarms, and installation of force main pipes. Motorists should expect flaggers, road work signage, warning signs, detours, and channeling devices to direct traffic.
Intermittent road closures or lane closures are expected Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. After-hours work is not anticipated, however if Saturday or evening work is needed, the City of Cape Coral’s Utilities Department will make that determination.
We thank you for your patience as we work to improve the City’s infrastructure and develop increased capacity for our future growth.
For more information or for assistance:
Call the City of Cape Coral’s Force Main Team at 239.249.5704, or
email us at